Books I Read in October 2021

Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

Some kinds of power are real—power to command armies, power to Soulcast. These come into play far less often than you would think. On an individual basis, in most interactions, this thing we call power—authority—exists only as it is perceived.

This book was absolutely incredible. I was never bored at any point, which I feel is so hard to do with long, epic fantasy books. But just…everything about this book was so incredible.

I felt like things really picked up in this book, and I got to learn so much more about the world. That was mostly because the characters were forced to grow and therefore they were forced to learn more about both themselves and things happening around them. It was so exciting. I loved watching the characters grow (read: suffer) and start to understand themselves and the things they can do better.

The magic system in these books is so, so cool. I said this with Mistborn too, but truly, I feel Brandon Sanderson is the king of exciting, unique magic systems! I don’t know how he does it, but it’s honestly so impressive. I loved learning more about the magic and its history, and I cannot wait for that to expand in the next couple of books.

My absolute favorite part is the way that Brandon ties in characters from/references to other books in the Cosmere. It brings me such indescribable joy each time. It makes me feel like I’m part of a super exciting club where I’m not left out and understand all the jokes, lmao. It’s so brilliant.

Reading this series is truly such a joy that I feel like I’m trying to stretch it out as long as possible. I never want it to end.

Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson

“I hear that suffocation is nice,” Wyndle said. “Though in such a case, don’t look at me as you expire. I’m not sure I could handle it.”

I loved this so much! Lift and Wyndle are such fun little characters. It was such a delight to read an entire short story about them after their interlude in Words of Radiance. Lift is genuinely hilarious. The way Brandon creates a whole new voice for every single character is so amazing to me, but especially with Lift. She’s so unique and funny but also really complex and interesting. I loved this glance into her story and also some other important characters as well.

This honestly made me very excited to go into Oathbringer. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen with so many different characters and plot points. I think it’s really exciting that we’re not just in the Shattered Plains anymore, but instead we’re spreading across the rest of the world. We get to see how the events of Words of Radiance are going to impact everyone, not just Kaladin, Dalinar, etc. I love how Brandon is slowly expanding the world. I cannot wait to see more.

I’m very, very excited to jump into Oathbringer after reading this. I’m really curious about whose point of view we’ll get to see. I’m just loving this series so much! It has yet to disappoint me at all.

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson

Accept the pain, but don’t accept that you deserved it.

I genuinely think this was my favorite Brandon Sanderson book I have read so far. I lost count of how many times it made me cry. It was an absolute delight.

Though it doesn’t take center stage, the romance in this series is just…impeccable. It is so lovely and sweet and just melts my heart. It’s so nice to see these characters finding their person and having support even while the world is in turmoil. The friendships are wonderful too. There are a hundred different friendships and relationships that just warm my heart so much. Especially with spren and inanimate objects. I know that sounds weird, but… It’s great.

There is one relationship in particular that really came to life during this book, and I wish so badly I could talk about it without spoiling anything. But it’s just…wonderful. I also got a point of view that I had been craving so badly throughout the whole series, and I cried during every single chapter from that character’s point of view. I’m so, so excited the series is expanding to include more and more characters in each book.

Plus… I just love seeing the mental health representation in this series. Kaladin especially suffers a lot, but he gets to have bright moments too. I really relate to his depression and struggles, and it’s just so nice to see that kind of representation in a book.

The politics in this book was fascinating too. I’m not really interested in politics in books in general, but wow. The way Brandon Sanderson set up this world and the different forces and makes it impossible for you to pick a side… It’s just crazy. He is incredibly talented at writing ambiguous conflict that leaves you uncertain who the villain is.

This book was just beautiful, truly. I never wanted it to end.

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