about me


Hello everyone!

I’m so pleased that you made it to the little corner of the internet where I talk about books, cats, makeup, clothes, video games, and so, so many other things! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. 🙂

I initially made this blog to just talk about…life. I was going through a lot when I first started it, and I think I just hoped my ramblings would help others find peace in knowing they weren’t alone. Around the same time, I started reading Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series for the first time. This led me to fall back in love with reading; I began reading again at a pace that I hadn’t achieved since middle school. For that reason, my blog evolved into me talking a lot about books as my tastes have changed and expanded.

Today, my blog is called Nightfallen Fox. If you know me, you know that I love everything related to the night and the moon, and you also know I love foxes. What better way to express who I am than to combine those two things? Going forward, I want to share not just bookish content, not just anxious ramblings, but all of the things I love. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I have so many loves. I don’t want to put myself or a box in which I can only express my love for a few of those things. It might lead to a bit of chaos, but that is okay. 🙂